How to Find Out the Diploma Date

Kamis, 05 September 2024 | 20:37
How to Find Out the Diploma Date
DIPLOMA- How to Find Out the Diploma Date (Source:
Penulis: Ulfah Wafa Almubarokah | Editor: Ulfah Wafa Almubarokah

AyoBacaNews.Com, Bandung- The diploma date is a crucial piece of information that is frequently required for administrative, career, and continuing education applications.

You can use the following techniques to ascertain the date on your diploma:

Examining the diploma itself directly requires us to consider the location of the diploma date in this instance: In addition to the district or city where the diploma was awarded, the diploma date is typically listed at the bottom of the document.

However, take note of the handwriting: Diploma dates are occasionally handwritten, particularly for high school diplomas. Make sure you understand what has been written.

Review the written version. Supplementary data: Academic records frequently include details about graduation schedules and diploma distribution.

Comparison: To confirm the accuracy of the data, compare the information on the diploma with the transcript.

Get in touch with the school/university archives: Get in touch with the academic division of the institution you are attending if you are having trouble determining the date of your diploma.

They own comprehensive student data archives that include the diploma issuance date. Certificate: In the event that you require one, you are able to obtain an official certificate according to the date the diploma was issued.

Examining the AIS, or Academic Information System. Online access: You can examine your academic records, including the date of your diploma, by logging into your school's or university's SIS online.

Verify whether diplomas are authorized. Additional details: A stamp or stamps identifying the legalization date are typically applied when legalizing a diploma. You can use this material as an extra source of reference.


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